6 Types Of Educational Podcast Hosts

Tim Ferriss, Eric Ries, and Gary Vaynerchuk – all very different people. Yet they each have a successful podcast dedicated to startups and entrepreneurship. How can each be successful in the same genre? They each have a unique voice and a differentiated way of approaching their subject. So, if you’re struggling to figure out how you might stand out in the ocean of podcasts in your genre, perhaps you can approach your subject with a different lens.

6 Kinds of Educational Podcasters

Behind every successful podcast is a dedicated podcaster who has their own unique style and approach. In this post, we will explore six kinds of podcasters and what sets them apart. We also share examples from the entrepreneurship genre to illustrate their unique approaches to the same subject.

  1. The Curator: Bringing together information from various sources
  2. The Motivator: Inspiring people to do more or better
  3. The Educator: Teaching people how to do things
  4. The Story-Teller: Sharing anecdotes and examples
  5. The Investigator: Uncovering data to give insights
  6. The Influencer: Sharing and shaping opinions

The Curator

Curator podcasters are experts at aggregating knowledge from various sources and presenting it in an easily digestible format. They excel at gathering information from various sources and providing a comprehensive overview of a topic. Whether it’s a deep dive into the latest tech trends or an analysis of current events, curators provide listeners with a wealth of knowledge and insights.

A great example is “StartUp” by Gimlet Media. This podcast is hosted by Alex Blumberg and Lisa Chow and tells the stories of different startups and the entrepreneurs who founded them. The hosts curate stories from various sources to provide listeners with a comprehensive look at the startup world.

The Motivator

Motivator podcasters are experts at inspiring and motivating their listeners. They use their platform to share stories of perseverance and success, encouraging their audience to pursue their own goals and dreams. These podcasters often have a unique ability to connect with their listeners on a personal level, sharing their own experiences and struggles to inspire others.

A good example of this style is “The Tim Ferriss Show“. Tim Ferriss is a well-known motivational speaker and author, and his podcast features interviews with successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders. The show is designed to inspire and motivate listeners to achieve their goals and pursue their dreams.

The Educator

Educator podcasters are experts at teaching people how to do things. They provide step-by-step instructions and valuable insights to help their listeners learn new skills and achieve their goals. These podcasters often have a background in teaching or a particular area of expertise, and they use their platform to share their knowledge with others.

For an example of this style, try the podcast by Eric Ries, the author of “The Lean Startup“. His podcast provides listeners with practical advice on how to launch and grow a startup. The podcast is designed to be an educational resource for entrepreneurs and provides insights into best practices and common pitfalls.

The Story-Teller

Story-teller podcasters are experts at sharing anecdotes and examples to engage and entertain their audience. They use storytelling as a tool to educate and inspire, sharing their own personal experiences and those of others to provide a unique perspective on a particular topic.

How I Built This” by NPR and hosted by Guy Raz is an extremely popular show in this style and features interviews with successful entrepreneurs who share the stories of how they built their companies from scratch. The show is a great example of storytelling in podcasting, and listeners get to hear the often-inspiring stories of how startups came to be.

The Investigator

Investigators are experts at using data and information to provide insights and analysis on a particular topic. They use their platform to provide a unique perspective on a particular issue or event, using their knowledge and expertise to provide valuable insights to their listeners.

One great example of an analyst-ish show is “This Week in Startups” by Jason Calacanis. Jason is a well-known entrepreneur and angel investor, and his podcast provides listeners with insights and analysis of the startup world. The show features interviews with other entrepreneurs and industry experts, and Calacanis provides his own analysis of current trends and events in the startup world.

The Influencer

Influencer podcasters are experts at sharing their opinions and perspectives with their audience. They use their platform to express their thoughts on a particular topic and provide a unique perspective on current events or trends. These podcasters often have a strong personal brand and use their platform to share their beliefs and values with their listeners.

The GaryVee Audio Experience” by Gary Vaynerchuk provides listeners with his unique perspective on the startup world. Vaynerchuk is known for his outspoken opinions, and his podcast is a great example of an influencer using their platform to share their beliefs and values with their audience.

In conclusion, podcasting is a medium that offers endless possibilities for creativity and expression. Each of these six types of podcasters brings something unique to the table, whether it’s providing a comprehensive overview of a topic, inspiring and motivating their listeners, or sharing their personal experiences and opinions. No matter what type of podcaster you are, there is something for everyone in the world of podcasting. So go ahead and start your own podcast, and let your unique voice be heard!

So Which Style Should You Choose?

If you are a non-expert or relatively inexperienced in the subject but have a lot of curiosity about it, being a Curator or Story-Teller might be good paths to explore. On the other hand, if you’re an expert, you could do either of those or dive deeper by being an Educator, Investigator or Influencer.

Irrespective of the option you choose, ultimately it’s about making a gripping narrative so once you have a handle on your approach, do also focus on your episode outline, interviewing technique and audience-relevant content.

At CrazyTok we’ve helped a number of podcasters conceptualise their shows and style. We’d be happy to help talk you through it as well. And if you feel you’d rather focus on making great content than on the nitty-gritties of producing and distributing it, just give us a click. We’d love to hear from you!

About the Author
CrazyTok is a reliable, affordable and hassle-free podcasting agency focused on producing the best professional-interest content in Asia. We help you conceptualise, launch and grow your own branded podcast so you can showcase your expertise, build a brand and grow your business with high-quality content. We have helped our clients rank on podcast charts in Singapore, India and Vietnam and we would be proud to help you reach the top too!

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