The Dream Catchers Show

At Dream Catchers we proudly produce Events, Theatre and Films. Since we started out in 2011, we have captured the dreams of many performing artist and entrepreneurs.

Hosted ByShalima Motial

At Dream Catchers we proudly produce Events, Theatre and Films. Since we started out in 2011, we have captured the dreams of many performing artist and entrepreneurs.

Shalima is the Founder and CEO of Dream Catchers. She is an Entrepreneur, Film Producer, Actor, Model, Writer, Podcaster & Talk Show Host. She loves the challenge of taking on new projects and unfolding the opportunity they bring.

All Episodes

Commitment to social impact: How Venkataraman Kumar’s businesses enable others’ dreams

In this episode of “The Dreamcatchers Show,” we meet Venkataraman Kumar, a dynamic entrepreneur who has made significant strides in wealth management, Satvic certification, and IT consultancy.

Entrepreneurship & Corporate life- couple describes how to balance work, passion & a happy marriage

Dive into the extraordinary journey of Shalima and Himanshu Motial on The Dreamcatcher Show, where they unravel the essence of turning passions into reality.

The Passion Behind Singapore’s Theater Scene: Indranil Banerjee’s Take

In this episode, we dive into the story of Indranil Banerjee, a man who masterfully balances his corporate life with his love for theater.

How eClarity Redefined the Diamond Market

In this episode of The Dream Catchers Show, Amanda shares her journey from starting eClarity Diamonds with her life savings to revolutionizing the market with customization and lab-grown diamonds.

Architect to Foodpreneur: The Secret Sauce to Achieving Your Dreams

Join us on the first episode of the Dream Catchers Show, where dreams come to life! I’m Shalima Motial, your host, and today we dive deep into the inspiring journey of Amit Bhatnagar, an architect turned food entrepreneur.