The Token Singaporean

Hosted ByVNSTR

The Token Singaporean is a show about Non Fungible Tokens, the blockchain technology changing the world of digital art and collectibles

TS3 | Connecting With NFT Communities

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NFTs can be complicated creatures. The space is always evolving and it’s not always easy to figure things out by yourself. That’s when you need to turn to others who are further along on the journey. But where do you find them?

Discussion Topics: Connecting with NFT Communities

  • The need to join NFT communities
  • Where almost everything happens, Discord
  • A great project discovery tool, Twitter
  • Going deeper into DeFi with Telegram
  • Get lost in Reddit
  • How not to get overwhelmed

Transcript: Connecting with NFT Communities

Hello everybody and welcome to the third episode of The Token Singaporean, my name is Vnstr. And in today’s episode, we are basically going to delve into part two of our onboarding process, which includes how to identify projects, the different social media platforms, you need to join in order to get connected with people in the community, and basically, infiltrate yourself and fully immerse yourself into the NFT community. So get yourself prepared, and let’s go.

Okay, so after the last episode, have you guys finished with the onboarding process, I’m sure that most of you should be very excited, because now you are ready, all set, and you’re ready to start trading NFTs. But actually, we’re still lacking a couple of more important stuff to know.

Like, for example, at this point in time, how do I get myself connected through the various communities available, how do I make sure that I get news about the latest up-and-coming NFT projects and how do I get updates about the different projects? So all the stuff will be covered in today’s episode which is onboarding part two. Okay, we are going to go through the different platforms that NFT communities usually use to connect with one another, and the main differences between the various platforms.

So in a nutshell, I would say there are four main platforms at this point that connect the NFT community, and they are Discord, Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit. So basically, in this episode, I’ll just go through every single platform, what they do, and how NFT communities usually make use of these platforms to connect with the other members of the community.

So the first platform that we’re going to look at is Discord. And I would consider it the most important platform that connects the NFT community. So first of all, what is Discord? It’s basically a platform, that allows users to communicate using voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media, and files, they can also private chat, and they can also form small communities on their own. These are called servers. And this is the most important because I would say about 99% of projects will form their own discord community, so they will have their own servers.

It is usually where founders would post project plans, announcements, sneak peeks, and basically anything related to the project to keep the community updated. So each project server within Discord is like the community’s personal space. And it’s the main space where community activities are held. So sometimes they play games, sometimes they have announcement meetings, sometimes they hold contests, and so on. And it’s also the main space for community members to interact with one another.

So there can be different channels within the server that are dedicated to different topics for people with different roles within the community, and so on and so forth. Also Discord, it is usually where you can find the white paper of a project. A white paper is something like a project proposal, you can also see an overall roadmap of the project and official links, which you need to assess through different websites or different resources within the project.

Basically, almost everything can be found within the Discord server of a specific project community. So what you need to do to join Discord, basically, is just to sign up on Discord. And once you have an account, you can start to join the different Discord servers of different projects. But where do you get these links? This is when the second part comes in the second platform which is also pretty important. And that is Twitter.

So at this point in time, I’m sure a lot of you’ll be pretty surprised because you’d be like, Huh, you mean, Twitter still exists? Because, you know, that was what I thought before I joined Twitter again, to get in touch with the NFT community. So I thought that Twitter was something that I probably used, like, many, many years back and it’s probably dead by now.

But no, if you are part of the NFT community, you will realise that Twitter is very, very much alive. So in this case, what is Twitter useful? So Twitter is basically like the main place for projects they will dish out bite-sized updates and reach out to the wider audience who may not be part of their Discord server yet, so like if they want to reach out to more people, people who are not within the inner circle of the community so that is where they will do their main outreach, I suppose.

I think Twitter is also a very good platform for you to follow NFT influencers, NFT researchers, project founders, etc., just to keep yourself updated on their thoughts about the different happenings in this space. As I mentioned before, a lot of things can happen within a day or two in an NFT space.

Sometimes, if you want, like the most updated information, or you want to know what’s happening within the various communities, but you’re not part of that community, I think, Twitter will be a great space for you to get that kind of information.  And of course, for those of you who haven’t been on the platform for a long time, okay, it’s evolved. And right now, they also have a new feature that’s called Twitter Spaces.

So Twitter spaces are basically where founders, creators, and NFT communities can host voice chats to discuss anything and everything related to NFT. So it’s very much like a clubhouse. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Clubhouse, but it’s an app that does something similar. So personally, I really, really like this new feature that Twitter has, because I feel like I’ve benefited a lot from joining these various spaces on a day-to-day basis.

So what I would do usually is whenever I’m free, instead of listening to the radio, these days, I will just go on Twitter, and I will just pick a space, usually different spaces have different topics of discussion. So I’ll just pick something that I feel like listening to at that point in time. And I’ll just join in and just listen to so many different perspectives from people from all over the world. And having this kind of insight, is something that’s very precious, because it’s not something that you can have easy access to, I think, without a platform like that, without a space like that.

So yes, I would say that two adjoining spaces and also contributing myself, sometimes I have benefited a lot from just, you know, getting to know people, learning from other people, and also having people bounce their ideas with me with one another basically, and just sharing knowledge, I think that’s the main thing.

And of course, through doing all this stuff you also get to know more people within the space, there are some people who might not be founders, they are not creators, and they are not like prominent people in the community however, they may have something insightful to share, they may have good knowledge that, you know, it’s good for you to be exposed to.

So through these spaces, sometimes when I hear a person speak, and I really, really agree with what he or she says, and I would love to follow his or her train of thoughts on certain stuff, okay, that’s when I can follow them. And when people hear about me, and they want to know more about me, they can do that, and follow me as well, and vice versa. So this is also how you expand your network within the NFT community.

One more thing about Twitter is that it is also a platform where a lot of giveaways often happen, like the potential to win NFTs, the potential to win tokens, the potential to win wireless spots, etc. I mean, not all of them are real, some of them might be scammy.

Some people might just be farming engagement, but no harm in trying because it’s free. And all you need to do sometimes is just retweet and just tag a couple of friends, that kind of thing. And if you get lucky, you can join an awesome community, you can win some tokens, and you can win some NFT it is great to start, I think.

Yes. Lastly, through Twitter, I think, their Twitter profiles are usually a space where you can also get official links to various projects in this course, you can also get to know quick info about what the project is about the founders, and stuff and even to follow them on Twitter and stuff is a good place for you to identify the important community members within that space and just follow them all at one shot. So it’s a great platform for you to expand your network and keep yourself updated for sure.

The third platform that NFT communities use is Telegram. But I think Telegram is not so much. So if you’re not into Telegram, no fuss about it. It’s fine. But Telegram is mostly an announcement platform. It’s just another platform for community members to interact away from the clutter in Discord because like if you join a lot of community servers, and different servers have announcements all the time, and people tagging one another all the time it can be very cluttered and difficult for you to see through all the information.

So Telegram is an alternative to that. But it’s more widely used for the defi projects and the defi space, I think. So if you don’t have Telegram don’t fuss. I think the first two platforms are good enough.

And lastly, of course, you can also find NFT communities on Reddit because you can literally find anything and everything on Reddit. So on Reddit, you can also find multiple threads or forums where anyone basically can talk about anything related to NFT.

Actually, I mean, I would say NFT communities are quite active there, especially amongst the D-Gen. So, for people who trade regularly or flip projects very regularly as to what that is, I would probably explain it further down the road. But yes, Reddit is also a space you can consider.

Yep, so once you have onboarded yourself on these various platforms, I think you’re good to go, you are ready to start. At the beginning, I think my recommendation would be for you to not just overwhelm yourself by joining like 1000 different discord servers, like following many, many people at once. In fact, you can’t really do that. Because there are a couple of people who said that, you know, they follow too many people at one point in time, and they got banned by Twitter for a short period of time. So that is called Twitter jail.

So it’s very funny, because some people would follow too many people, and they end up in Twitter jail. I mean, you don’t really get to go to jail, you’re just banned for a period of time. So yeah, that can be quite annoying. So refrain from doing that. So I think a good way to get started would be to just scroll through Twitter, take a look at a couple of projects that you know, you might be interested in, join their discord, maybe two or three.

And then from there, really, fully immerse yourself into their communities, really get to know what the different channels do within the service, get to know the people from within the community. And once you’re more or less used to, you know, the kind of information load, and you feel like you want to branch out to get to know more people to get to know more communities, you can start from there.

If not, I think my main fear would be that if you join too many servers at once, and follow too many people at once, I think the risk of information overload is very real. And when too much information comes at you at once and you’re still new to the space, it might be difficult for you to juggle everything and absorb everything. So we don’t want that to happen. Take things step by step and move along as you get better. I think that is a better strategy.

And with that, we’ve come to the end of today’s episode. I really hope that you’ve benefited from my sharing in some ways. And once again, if you feel that you enjoy the podcast, please leave me a review because it will really help me. If you have any suggestions you have comments or feedback or questions feel free to write to us. We’ll be happy to hear from you.

So in the next episode, we are probably going to delve more into how you can start purchasing your NFTs. There are a couple of ways right you can mint, you can buy from the secondary marketplace. And at this point in time if you don’t understand what I just said, that is completely fine. Just make sure you tune in to the next episode. And yeah, we’ll go from there. So thank you once again for being here with me. Thank you for listening. I hope that you have learned a thing or two from my sharing, and I’ll see you again in the next episode. Bye.

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