Hard Truths By Vertex

Vertex Ventures interviews leading founders, innovators, venture capitalists and industry experts to uncover the Hard Truths about startups and venture investing

Hosted ByElise Tan

Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia & India is a pioneer in investing in tech start-ups in this region and has helped to build a number of unicorns. In this podcast, we share and uncover Hard Truths – raw, unfiltered insights and venture capital experience across Southeast Asia & India. Tune in to hear from leading founders, innovators, venture capitalists and industry experts in the region and to gain industry insights from those in the know.

All Episodes

S1E10 | Truths About Modernising The $15B Ayurvedic Wellness Market | Ameve Sharma, Kapiva

How do you get millennials to buy something usually recommended by their grandparents? And how do you keep their attention when the product you sell takes months to show results? How do you know when you’ve achieved product-market fit?

S1E9 | Truths About Empowering SEA’s 71M MSMEs Through Financial Inclusion | Nikhilesh Goel, Validus Capital

How do you convince billion-dollar institutional investors to trust a relative upstart with their funds in a market with so much financial turmoil?

S1E8 | Truths About Building A Billion Dollar, Profitable Content Business | Joseph Phua, 17LIVE

We often think about startups as a 0 to 1 game with a team of founders working and pivoting around one theme in the hope of finding success. But that is a highly risky way to try and build VC-scale businesses.

S1E7 | Truths About Helping Influencers Make A Living In The $68B SE Asian Creator Economy | Paulina Purnomowati, CMO TipTip

Indonesians are voracious consumers of social media, and the creator economy is set to grow massively in the coming years. As the industry grows, unmet needs in engaging and monetizing their content arise.

S1E6 | Truths About Being A Female Leader In The Trillion Dollar Climate Tech Market | Natalia Rialucky, Fairatmos

What are the hard truths about building a climate tech market in a country and region where the awareness, tech and regulations are yet to mature?

S1E5 | Truths About Lighting Up One’s Own Path And That Of 60M Workers In Indonesia | Nelly Nurmalasari, Pintarnya

It’s hard to translate vision into reality – and especially so when you are trying to help workers build a better life. But when you see it happening, the moment is magical!

S1E4 | Truths About Disrupting India’s Age-Old Manufacturing Industry | Sonam Motwani, Karkhana

What are the hard truths about being a startup builder in manufacturing, and what was Vertex Ventures’ thesis for investing in such a tradition-bound and notoriously difficult space?

S1E3 | Opportunities In SE Asia And India | Ben Mathias

Vertex Ventures has been investing in South East Asia and India long before it became fashionable (!) so we know a thing or two about which sectors are on the rise.

S1E2 | Building Nium Into A Unicorn | Pratik Gandhi, COO, Nium

Starting with a little office in a dilapidated old building to joining the rarefied ranks of unicorns in Southeast Asia, Nium has come a long way. But what did it take to keep it going even when the chips were down and fresh funding was hard to come by?

S1E1 | Building An Enduring VC W/ Kee Lock Chua, CEO Vertex Holdings

How did Vertex Ventures get started as one of the oldest VCs in the region? And what’s our secret recipe for identifying high-potential founders? Find out in this episode